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Awarding Night Top40 DJaneMag Indonesia at Jenja Jakarta
The results is out now ! Congratulations the TOP40DJanes Indonesia 2019, here are the list :
1 Delizious Devina @djdevina
2 T-Sha @t.shaaaaaa
3 Moski Love @moskilove
4 Yasmin @dj_yasmin
5 P.Joana @dj.joana
6 Usa @dj_usa
7 Jacqueline @djjacqueline
8 Tiara Eve @tiaraeve
9 Una @putriuna
10 Da Twins @official.datwins
11 Yoren @djyoren
12 Hathoris @hathoris__
13 Arien Cathrine @ariencathrine
14 Pixiee @dj.pixiee
15 Diana Dee @djdianadee
16 Lie Juan @itsliejuan22
17 Lia Zamzah @liazamzah
18 Danti Hanoum @dantihanoum
19 Irene Agustine @irene_agustine
20 Freya @dj_freya
21 Arra Tesla @arra_tesla
22 Siva @sivaapriliareal
23 Avril Aviw @avrilaviw
24 Novi Mundo @djnovimundo
25 Leea @dj_leea
26 Evelin @evelinnadaanjani
27 Vega Stasche @vega.stasche
28 Kartika Ayu @dj_kartikaayu
29 Kiran Kartika @kirankartika__
30 Nadine Iskandar @djnadineiska
31 Resty @restyvershaka
32 Putri Danizar @putridanizar
33 Derina Derin @derina_derinofficial
34 Nisa @official_djnisa
35 Sazha Clarissa @sazhaclarissa
36 Sarah Ketaren @sarahketaren
37 Adel Louis @dj.adellouis
38 Agesty @dj_agesty
39 Khania Angelica @khaniaangelica
40 Claudea @claudea_04
Thank you for all the Participants, Voters, Judges and DJanes Indonesia also DJaneMag Worldwide for always support us. We are so glad that we can release the Top40 this year. Next year will be your new chance to get more votes and bring home the DJaneMag Indonesia's Trophy.
Check out more info at our instagram : @djanemagindonesiaofficial